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When next you breathe, be reminded that the effortless drawing in and releasing of air is not an end in itself. It is a witness to and a confirmation of the fact that you're on an assignment. Here's the principle: it is those who have something to do that are given air to breathe. Are you breathing? Oh, you're the one on an assignment. Or did you think your life was just a sight seeing excursion? You thought it was all about sleeping and waking up? About shopping and paying school fees? Gosh, you've been wasting precious air on nothing. Those who squander the priceless substance that accords them a place among humans soon run out of supply.

What to do? Get your life behind something noble. All assignments are noble. Whether public or private. As long as you are progressively making expected impact in the area you've been sent, you're qualified to continue to inhale and exhale. You need to find out which is your assignment; its scope, its reach and location. Truth is, your assignment is written all over your make up - physical, emotional and spiritual. It is ensconced in your unaudited desires; your deep likes and dislikes. It is displayed in your talents and natural skills. Quite often, your gifts, talents and natural skills are the voice of your assignment. Pay attention to them.

Do not run out of air without achieving what it is meant for. Nature abhors wastage. God detests it. Society suffers for it. Yet, it is those who run around without a sense of purpose, who reduce their existence to chance happenings and whims of fate that are responsible for the unplugged wastages in life. You don't want to earn a number among these lot. Or do you?

Let the air you breathe work wonders for the world. Millions are waiting to benefit from your ability to breath. Do not let them down. Do your assignment. You will succeed!

Broadcast by

Alfred 'Femi ALAMU