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*I am sorry,* a short but mighty sentence!

If you wish to live long, don't joke with this short sentence, *I am sorry.* Do you know how many people have gone to early grave because they neglected the therapeutic power of *I am sorry.*

Most of the troubles in most homes are heightened because wives are too big to say *I am sorry* to their husbands and you can trust the ego of  husbands in saying same to their wives.

Quarrel lingers between friends because no party wants to say *I am sorry.* Each of them would asks, why should I be the first to say *I am sorry?* They would beat their chest and utter the ego phrase, *a whole me!*

Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the part of the world where saying *I am sorry* is so difficult and curses easily unleashed.

Welcome to the part of the world where people refer to a person who says *I am sorry* in the midst of a rift as *weak*: one who is not man enough; one who is foolish.

Welcome to Africa where saying *I am sorry* is tougher than forcing a donkey to pass  through the eye of a needle.

All of us are victims of this discussion. We have lost valuable assets, money and even lives because of this cheap and affordable sentence *I am sorry.* It simply cost only a breath of speech.

Have you ever wondered why domestic violence is less pronounced in some part of the world? It is simply because they understand the efficacy of *I am sorry.*

Husbands say it to their wives and even children whenever they err. Wives and children do the same  and life goes on fine.

Friends, this is simply a piece to encourage us to cultivate  a habit of saying *I am sorry.* It is difficult but readily affordable.

Learn how to say *I AM SORRY* even if you are right.

If this message offend you in one way or the other, *I am sorry*

My apologies.
