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Praying The Word - Pastor Chris Oyakhilome, PhD.

Scriptural Ref: 1 John 5:14
And this is the confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he heareth us (1 John 5:14).

God’s Word is His will expressed to us; therefore, praying according to His will is praying the Word. This is a very important element in prayer that not so many understand and practise: praying by the authority of the Word of God. When we pray, it’s important that it’s on the basis of the revelation and insight given to us by God through His Word. We must act our faith in prayer, on the basis of the Word of God; if God’s Word covers the subject, then we’re audacious in faith to receive answers.

We read in our opening verse that when we pray according to His will—His Word—He hears us. The fifteenth verse says, “And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of him.” This means that when you pray according to His will (His Word), He hears and answers your prayer. 

Some people, while praying, just talk, and don’t care whether or not what they’re saying is in line with the Word of God. Your prayers must be consistent with the Word to be effective. Don’t just pray; pray the Word. God already gave His Word, to show us everything that He’s given to us, everything that He’s made us, and everything that we can do in Christ Jesus. 

Thus, when you pray, until and unless your words are in sync with His divine provisions in Christ, you’ll be praying amiss. He’s revealed to us how to ask; how to pray and what our requests can cover, so you can have faith when you pray to Him. And your faith grows as you learn the Word of God. The more of God’s Word you know, the more faith you’ll have, and the more accurate and effectual your prayers will be.

Dear Father, I’m lifted by your Word! I’m transfigured and guided by your truth in the path of your divine and perfect will for my life. I walk in strength, health and victory today, because I live by your Word, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

Further Study: Psalm 27:1-6; Matthew 24:35; Jeremiah 1:12

1-Year Bible Reading Plan: Romans 11:25-36 & Psalms 82-84

2-Year Bible Reading Plan: Philippians 1:9-14 & Isaiah 60