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IF YOU WISH TO MAKE YOUR FIRST GENUINE BILLION ON TIME, YOU MUST FOLLOW THESE SIX SIMPLE RULES! We all want to be multi-millionaires, but figuring out how to make your first million is the first step to that uber-rich earning capacity. Wondering how to make your first million? Let’s show you how: 1. Develop A Business Mindset: Developing a business mindset means your eyes and ears are sharpened and attuned to any opportunities that may come your way. We call some people lucky, but all they do is make use of their opportunities that come their way. Meanwhile, most of us sit and watch opportunities waka pass. Is okay. 2. Live Below Your Means And Run Away From Debt: Yes, most people say that you need money to make money. It’s true, but overstretching yourself in debt is never a wise idea. If you have to borrow, don’t borrow more than what you can comfortably pay off over a period of time. Living below your income and saving the rest is the true millionaire lifestyle – think Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, etc. 3. Discover Your Passion And Be The Best At It: Like Queen Bey, find something you’re good at and learn enough about it until you’ve become the authority in that field. This might take some time, but it is so rewarding. 4. Create Several Streams Of Income: You’ve heard this said over and over again, but it’s still true! Having money come in from different sources truly is the fastest way to becoming a millionaire. Just look at the lives of today’s billionaires and see for yourself. 5. Invest: Invest the money you have saved up for the long term. Don’t look for investments with short-term benefits though. The profits are usually lower compared to long-term investments. Invest and reinvest the profits. 6. Don’t Skimp On Personal Development: Many of us get jobs or start businesses and don’t bother to update our knowledge or even learn new things about the industry or business development. Personal development transforms your mindset and will reflect in your bank account. Want to be a millionaire? Get serious about personal development. Wondering how you can start your investing journey? Find out about some investment opportunities you can start even on a small salary. You will succeed