This blog is created to inspire you to greatness and to bring out the best that is locked up in you. In our best efforts to help people succeed, we have designed series of events, programs and platforms to make that happen. We hope to have you here again.

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It’s your CHARACTER that should prove your success not necessarily your COMPETENCE or certificate.

Your competence can get you the job, but your character will keep you there.

The world today is
dying and crying for individuals with character.

The function of Education is actually to help teach one how to think intensively and extensively such that transformation and mind renewal will take place which should in other words build formidable character in an individual. Basically because the goal of Education is character formation.


Your communication should match your success.

The things you say, can they actually
prove that you’re successful?

Your words reflect your worth.

Q. Do you speak like a graduate?

Does your communication reflect your content?

Someone said
“wise men would speak because they have something to say but fools will speak only because
they have to say something."

Your Habitation should match your success.

Your physical habitation is a direct function or expression of your inward being.

Listen, A person might be an expert in any field of knowledge or a master of many material skills and accomplishment but without cleanliness, his brain is a desert

The state of your house is the state of your mind.

Your ability should match your success.

Your output should at all times match your input.

Just like they say, “you cannot give what you don’t have”.

Ability is what gives you opportunity, so if you want to progress in life you must have the ability to complements simplicity.

Your reputation should match your success.

On the one hand your character is what God and the angels know about you while on the other hand your reputation is what men and women think about you.

Yes it’s true that no matter how good you are you’ll have your enemies and no matter how bad you're, you’ll have your friends.

Nevertheless, let the good things that people say about you always be greater than the bad things they have to say about you.

Appearance they say, shows the manner.

Your appearance should match your success because what lies behind appearance is usually another appearance.

We see you first before we hear you. Improve on your container not just your content.

Your cliques should match your success.

Your Cliques would translate to your click.

A wise man once said that, your network will largely determines your networth. That is; How rich you're is determine by the number of people in your reach.

Your friend determine your end.

The people you keep around you, the people you spend time with, the people you share ideas with will determine the quality of your life and achievements or success.

Remember “Evil communication
corrupts good manners.”

Your talent should match your success because on the one hand, your talent is God’s gift to you, and whatever it is you do with it, is your gift to men.

There's a treasure in you. You're more than what you think you're.

There's no one else like you...

Discover that thing which you're good at... That area of strength, grace and capacity you can be the world best at, and improve on it.

E – ENTHUSIASM. Your enthusiasm should match your success because enthusiasm is the fuel for your performance, the excitement with inspiration you generate for the job.

Love what you do, do what you love and love the people you so it with.

If you say you are a successful doctor but you are not excited about saving lives then your character doesn’t match your success.

R – RELIGION. Yes! Your religion should match your success.

What you belief is what you become.

Someone said “my religion is simple, my religion is kindness” There should always be a space in our hearts to love, show kindness and most importantly, not allowing the success we claim to achieve contradict the principles of God the supreme.

Till I come your way again, always remember; beyond certificate, ... position, ...accumulation and
beyond recognition, the greatest thing that determines success is character.

Thank you.